Pamela Glintenkamp offers us with this book of 360 pages, a presentation of 35 years of groundbreaking work of the wizards from Industrial Light & Magic. The book begins on prefaces by Jon Favreau and Gore Verbinski.

The first part of the book focuses on the first ILM two decades (1975 to 1994). A short text explains the main changes in the visual effects created by ILM for each of the films from this period and reminds us of the various awards and nominations won by the studio. Those days are already fully covered by the books Industrial Light and Magic: The Art of Special Effects by Thomas G. Smith and Industrial Light & Magic: Into the Digital Realm by Mark Cotta Vaz.

The second part is divided into several chapters, one per year, covering a period from Casper to Rango. Each chapter introduces one to many movies. The author details the many challenges that ILM teams have to faced. The chapters are enriched with many explanations and testimony of ILM’s wizards. The iconography is truely rich with archival and behind the scenes pictures that allow us to admire the work done by the magicians of the studio. Throughout the chapters, the author also reviews the careers of many VFX supervisors of ILM and on the major advances achieved by the studio.

The book ends with a impressive list of awards as well as the long filmography of movie on which ILM have worked on.

In conclusion, its rich iconography and the many interventions of ILM wizards make this book a must-have object for all fans of ILM and visual effects.

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© Vincent Frei – The Art of VFX – 2012



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