Finally, the new edition of animago AWARD & CONFERENCE is almost there!
Only 3 days to wait!

Here is the press release:

On Thursday and Friday this week, Munich will be shining a spotlight on the artists and professionals working in the fields of 3D animation, stills, visual effects (VFX), design and visualization. Roughly 1,000 international participants are scheduled to attend the animago AWARD & CONFERENCE on 7-8 September. The two-day event is one of the industry’s most important networking platforms, with the highpoint of the festivities coming on Thursday evening in the form of the animago AWARDs ceremony. Munich is hosting the animago for the second year in a row at the Gasteig Centre, once again with generous support from the Bavarian State Ministry for Economics and Media, Energy and Technology and the City of Munich’s Team of Excellence for the Cultural & Creative Industries.

Bavaria’s Media Minister Ilse Aigner: “Digital filmmaking is becoming more and more important, whether in cinema, TV, games or virtual reality glasses. The animago AWARD and Conference make it possible for us to give digital filmmaking the attention it deserves. Bavaria’s media industry as a whole also benefits from this attention. Indeed, digital worlds offer enormous potential in both artistic and economic terms, and we’re eager to capitalise on this potential. This is why we support digital filmmaking by means of several programmes: for example, film funding for animation, VFX and international co-productions, games funding and R&D funding. This support enables new projects and helps to create an excellent basis for future cooperation. Word has long since gotten out about Bavaria – even making it as far away as Hollywood. In this context, the animago AWARD and Conference provide an ideal way to foster our international visibility further. Here’s wishing everybody a successful event”.

Dr. Hans-Georg Küppers, Head of Munich’s Cultural Department: “Munich is an art and cultural metropolis, but it’s also a leading city for media and film as well as a hotspot for the creative industries. This makes it the perfect place for leading international minds to gather and network at the animago Conference. Indeed, many of the innovative ideas introduced at the animago go on to influence the future of film, animation and gaming. Plus, Munich’s Gasteig Centre provides the ideal backdrop for all the presentations and networking. Our ‘Cultural & Creative Industries’ team is happy to support the animago conference”.

Among the highlights on this year’s programme are presentations by the VFX minds behind such feature films as “Atomic Blonde”, “The Dark Tower”, “Wonder Woman”, “Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Salazar’s Revenge” and “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2”. Erik Smitt from legendary Pixar Animation Studios (USA) will talk about his work on “Piper”, the 2016 Oscar-winner in the category of “Best Animated Short Film”. There will also be talks and presentations on traditional and paradoxical storytelling in animation films, virtual reality, 360°, Cinema 4D, digital lighting, VFX in advertising and much more.

© Vincent Frei – The Art of VFX – 2017


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